Nevertheless I'm still a big fan of Christmas and I guess it's be perfectly fine to write to you today and tell you my wishes. And to fulfill a few wishes should be fine with you since I didn't write to your for... the last 16 years or so, don't you think?
Plus: You don't have to put them under my tree - some of them might be causing too much trouble under our tree anyway, so I'm going to save you loads of time here you could use for a quick stop at the McDonald's Drive-In during your hard working night.
So here we go.
1. Clean Skin
I know I should learn to live with my flaws, to accept them and love them. But Santa, it would be so awesome if I could to without make-up and concealer and matt finish powder! It would save me precious time in the morning - time I could maybe spent on being a nice girl with pure, rosy skin.
And if you're not able to fulfill this wish, could you please at least recommend my a good cleansing lotion!?
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2. James Dean alive
The world just needs some beauty. Some serious, real, rebelious, non-glamourous handsomeness. The world needs a real man and not only kooky, haircut-addicted football stars. Please bring James Dean back to take this part!
3. Singing skills
You know, Santa, I'm a completely harmless person. But I could just deafen someone be accident if he or she heard me singing.
The problem is: I love singing. Alone at home, in the car, when listening to a nice song in the club, when I'm drunk. Plenty of possibilities to cause harm to the people around me. Could you please just give me the skills to sing? I don't want to be Beyoncé, Eurovision-Song-Contest-Level is fine by me.
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I have to confess, I have a soft spot here. Maybe still a side effect from my time in Copenhagen. I like the Scandinavian men with their blond hair and their blue eyes and their smirked smiles. I like their politeness and their gentlemanly behaviour. I like their inability to flirt and how they seem to go like a bull at the gate once they believe they have the girl's say-so.
I know Santa, this might seem greedy, but I'm not up for compromises here.
5. A plan.
Well there are people who know exactly what to do with their lives and what will happen after they finished their bachelor thesis. I have no idea. No idea. All I know is, that I want to be a writer. Or a journalist. Or travel the world. Or do a master's study. Well, see my problem? Please, could you just provide me a plan B if the bestseller-writing plan A doesn't work out? That would be so nice!
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There are so many places to see, so many cities to travel too. And not enough money or time. Please, Santa, I just need a little money and some time to get on with my travel-bucket-list. You know, you have to enjoy it while you're young. So I should start now!
Thank you so much, Santa!
I can't wait for Christmas to come.
Yours truly,
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